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University of Oxford, University College
D.Phil. in Law, 2020: Constitutional Change and the Rule of Recognition
M.Phil. in Law, with distinction, 2014: Unconstitutional Constitutional Change
M.Jur., with distinction, 2013
University of Warsaw
Magister prawa (Polish law degree), 2011
Mikołaj Barczentewicz is an Associate Professor (Reader) in Law and the Research Director of the Law and Technology Hub at the University of Surrey. He also leads the Regulation of Crypto-Finance research project. His research spans technology law and policy, applications of technology in legal practice and research, UK and EU public law, and legal philosophy. Mikołaj approaches those topics combining traditional methods of law and philosophy with computational methods, building on his experience as a professional computer programmer.
Mikołaj is also a Research Associate of the University of Oxford Programme for the Foundations of Law and Constitutional Government, and a Senior Scholar at the International Center for Law & Economics.
Before joining Surrey, Mikołaj taught Constitutional Law, Jurisprudence, European Union Law and Roman Law at the University of Oxford. In the past, he was also a Visiting Scholar at the University of Melbourne, a Research Associate of the University of Oxford Centre for Technology and Global Affairs, and a Fellow of the Stanford Law School and University of Vienna Transatlantic Technology Law Forum. Mikołaj is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Mikołaj published in the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Modern Law Review, Law Quarterly Review, Public Law, Connecticut Law Review and in other journals and edited collections (for details see the Research papers page). He also blogs (e.g., at the UK Constitutional Law Blog, see the Blog section of this website).